Cash-Out Mortgage Refinance Calculator


Loan Information

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Information About Available New Loans

New First

New Second

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Financial Info

For your cash-out refinance loan, based off your house value on your first mortgage of $300,000.00, your current house value of $350,000.00, take out cash amount of $25,000.00, remaining balance of $231,122.00 on your old first loan (with an interest rate of 4.5 and remaining term of 360), you will see a monthly mortgage payment of $432.79 for your new first mortgage and a monthly mortgage payment of $1,171.06 for your new second mortgage. Ultimately, refinancing with a new first mortgage will save you $2,540.44. This calculator gives you an idea of the impact a cash out refinance will have financially for you, including a picture of total costs and tax savings.

Current Interest Rates
PRODUCT +/- Rate Last week
30 year fixed Arrow 4.09% 4.16%
15 year fixed Arrow 3.25% 3.30%
5/1 ARM Arrow 3.28% 3.36%
PRODUCT +/- Rate Last week
30 year fixed refi Arrow 4.09% 4.17%
15 year fixed refi Arrow 3.25% 3.34%
10 year fixed refi Arrow 3.15% 3.18%
PRODUCT +/- Rate Last week
60 month used car loan Arrow 3.20% 3.20%
48 month used car loan Arrow 3.18% 3.19%
60 month new car loan Arrow 3.44% 3.44%
PRODUCT +/- Yield Last week
6 Month CD Arrow 0.75% 0.71%
1 Year CD Arrow 1.24% 1.24%
2 Year CD Arrow 1.41% 1.41%
MMA and SAVINGS 0.58%
$10k MMA 0.57%
Interest Checking 0.43%
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